Scheduling in ABI MasterMind® is flexible and fast.
Each department can choose the optimal scheduling method for event and non-event personnel. Staffing levels and positions required for various types of events and shifts are established through easily configurable templates. Availabilities are entered online, training and licensing requirements checked, and schedules are created. The system will simultaneously schedule hundreds of employees for an event or shift by department, skill level, availability, pay rate, position and business work rules, whether union, non-union or a combination of both.
ABI MasterMind® managers can have the system automatically print the schedules for handout, mailing, or emailing. People can (optionally) visually check their schedules on a touch screen or via Internet Enterprise Self Service. Last minute staffing adjustments are easily managed and can be communicated to staff via built-in text messaging, email, or a simple phone call.
Check In the right people, when you want them, where you want them.
Throw away the timecards! Staff Check In/Out quickly using visual touch screen terminals or handheld units with a magnetic stripe or barcode on their credential. An optional low cost biometric device can be added for secondary validation and turned on for only those departments that need it. Outside vendors can be required to Check In/Out for accountability as well. The visual touch screen terminal displays all typical time and attendance options as well as the credential holders’ stored image, briefing area information, and an optional manager/management message. The command center, security or supervisors can visually verify all persons entering the venue, and can run comprehensive live reports. The system enforces (independently configurable by department) all required labor rules and standards such as time rounding, minimum required meal periods, minimum guaranteed shift hours, overtime requirements, restrictions on early or late Check In and more.
Estimate future costs, check for overtime, report on actual costs, print invoices, or time information.
With ABI MasterMind®, you have a fully integrated live system that provides hundreds of detail oriented reports covering scheduling, time management, training and licensure, and labor costing. These reports allow you to speed up the labor budgeting process, spot trends quickly, maintain training compliance, mitigate risk management, enhance booking negotiations, and instantly and accurately report costs.
Upload all your timecard information from ABI MasterMind® into your payroll software.
ABI MasterMind® allows integration to scores of internal or external payroll systems. ABI’s programming department can provide additional (or modifications to existing) interfaces to clients. Unlimited pay groups are supported with the ability to define multiple payroll cycles, pay weeks, and optionally allows numerous companies to share a single database.
ABI MasterMind® interfaces to dozens of standard payroll systems. If we haven’t already built an interface to your payroll provider, we will develop and maintain it. Getting your payroll information into, or out of, ABI MasterMind® is a snap. Whether you choose to enter new hires and changes initially into your payroll/HRIS system and then interface to ABI MasterMind®, or vice versa, our seamless integration tools will allow your data to be easily synchronized. ABI MasterMind®supports unlimited pay groups each of which can have its own pay week start date, payroll working week, and payroll cycle. Further, each ABI MasterMind® database can also support an unlimited number of unique identification numbers (each of which could have single or multiple pay groups). Electronic timesheets are interfaced in summary or detail and itemized documentation is concurrently produced for payroll balancing and a complete audit trail.
Complimentary design, optional magnetic encoding, or low cost wristbands.
An unlimited number of fully customizable ID badges are supported in the ABI MasterMind®
system. Credentials that are horizontal or vertical, single or double-sided, peel off, or over-sized are easily printed from the system. They can be printed individually or in a batch and encoded with a barcode, a mag-stripe, or a combination of both. Credential fields are easily updated individually or via mass update utilities. The badges are used for visual identification and to access touch screen terminals for Check In/Out. Hundreds of thousands of employees, food and beverage workers, vendors, media, law enforcement, athletes and their families, and even the U.S. Secret Service have been badged at facilities using the ABI MasterMind®