The ABI MasterMind® ESS module was created to save you time dealing with paper and to get information in the hands of your staff faster.

ESS uses a standard web page or smartphone/mobile browser for connectivity either inside or outside the venue. An individual simply logs onto the system and chooses from available options including:
- View and print their schedule
- Optionally view available shifts and self-schedule
- Update availability and availability exceptions
- Send a message to their scheduler
- Review their trainings and training requirements
- Enroll in available training classes
- Review detail of time worked for previous and/or current pay periods
- Review performance based points and point detail notes
- View department specific messages
- View person specific messages
- View and print corporate PDF documents e.g. employee handbook, time off request, training outlines, etc.
- View and print person specific PDF documents e.g. pay stub detail, counseling/commendation letters, certifications, etc.
The system is designed to allow each department the ability to enable or disable any or all of the ESS options individually. ESS updates are “live”, consequently person information is kept up to date and accurate, saving venue managers and schedulers countless manual clerical hours.
Manager Mobility
Manager Mobility gives you the ability to view staff activity, notes, and contact information from any mobile device on the planet. You no longer have to be at a desk or in your office to see who Checked In, who is late, and who is a no show.

- View an On Premise report of department staff
- Remotely Check Out people
- Contact people
- Create notes about people
- Approve person times